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About Me


    Aloha! My name is Juniper Soulfire and in case I only get to say one thing to you, let this be it... YOU ARE ENOUGH! In fact, you are MORE than enough! Yes you! And yes, just the way you are! You are a cherished child of God, truly Divine in nature, worthy of living a beautiful, miraculous life! OK, I just wanted to get that out there, to make sure you know, in case you were doubting it, as so many of us do. Claim it, own it and LIVE it! 

    As you can probably tell, I'm a bit of a free-thinker! I'm also an artist, fire dancer and author specializing in Spiritual empowerment. My personal transformation began in 2011 when I decided to leave the continental United States and relocate to the Hawaiian islands. Although I was not aware of it at the time, this set into motion a chain of events that not only changed the way I felt about myself, but also gave me an entirely new perspective of Spirituality and the modern world. 


    I was experiencing the beginning phases of my awakening and before I knew what was happening I was facing a whole host of painful challenges because I was still holding onto my old ways of thinking. I didn't know how to listen to my Spirit and as I continued to live my life based on a false set of beliefs I struggled with low self-worth and endured multiple narcissistic relationships until I finally woke up to my truth! 

    I had been taught to believe in a very disempowering view of  Spirituality that led me to believe God was somewhere "out there" looking down on me, judging my every move, rather than right here within me, loving me through thick and thin, waiting for me to truly love myself and recognize my inherent worthiness! It took me 30 years, many toxic relationships, and severe chronic illness to wake up and begin to realize my true nature and value as a child of God, worthy of living a beautiful life and being treated with the love, respect and kindness I deserve.


      As soon as I chose to start showing up for myself and living in faith instead of fear, everything in my life began to shift in a positive way! I began experiencing miracles on a regular basis that have led me to healing myself from the trauma of my past, living my dream life, and most importantly, overcoming the core limiting belief that I was inadequate and learning to truly love and value myself!

 Throughout my journey I have found mother nature to be one of my best teachers and healer and I highly encourage others to embrace nature as the ultimate healing sanctuary! I believe it is essential that we return to a more natural way of living, in harmony with the rhythms and energy of our planet, in order to establish a healthier and more harmonious existence, free of the toxic beliefs bred by the competition and comparison so prevalent in modern society.


   It is my mission to educate and support people in shedding the limiting beliefs and insecurities keeping them from fully receiving the joy and abundance our world has to offer. We are all children of God, capable of embracing the Kingdom of Heaven here and now. The more we choose to live in faith instead of fear, the more we give God the opportunity to preform miracles on our behalf and present us with opportunities guiding us to our highest good! 


  The truth is, miracles are completely natural when you surrender your fear, embrace the infinite love you are worthy of, and learn to live in the Divine flow by quieting all other voices and listening to the God within. This is how true empowerment, success, and fulfillment are born and how you can experience ultimate peace and freedom in all areas of your life!


I love you to infinity and BEYOND! 


"Juniper's support has been instrumental in my healing journey. She has a beautiful way of demystifying manifestation and Spirituality. She made it so easy for me to understand how I am truly the creator of my reality, One with the unconditional loving presence of God.

   With Juniper's help I was able to channel my energy into healthier habits and behaviors that helped me get to where I am now...happy and thriving everyday and truly in love with who I am and the life I am living! I am forever grateful for her guidance in my journey back to my truth and the bliss that I had forgotten was possible for me!" 

–– Angela Rose

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